
I just wanted to share a new website that has 20 videos by Andrew Bartzis explaining our Galactic history. Quite fascinating indeed and I get a total truth energy from him and not the ego centered hoopla that is smothering the internet. Well worth listening to. You can also buy a written format in case reading is an easier way for you to take in information. Enjoy and open your mind up!

About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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10 Responses to Sharing….

  1. Thank you for the Link I will definitely go and check those video’s out, and Great advice your gave Ines, VK…. 🙂 loved that.. xxxx Hugs to you my friend xxx DWxxx

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Thanks DW…..It took me several days to get through all 20 videos but I was glad I did! A great deal of important information. I love Andrew….You can tell immediately what he is saying is NOT bs but the pure truth. We are all learning that discernment clearly now..I hope you watch and enjoy them. A good thing to do in quiet time….Lovexxoo VK

      • Hi VK, I have some time tomorrow I intend to sit down and watch …. Hope to pull hubby into the loop too.. 😉 And thank you so much for your support and encouragement VK…. So much has been happening on the job front, I thought I had Sunday off, but I am recalled in again… Arrgh well…. at least the SUN did shine today.. 😉 xxxx Pulling in the energies… and we are WINNING… xoxox thank you dear friend xx

  2. silentwindofchange says:

    Thanks and this link has the same but only 4 parts, this is 1 of 4

  3. Ines Radman says:

    I have watched his videos so many times, each segment at least 5 times, he talks very fast so I can’t keep up with him. I have to say that he has helped me change my opinions and views about channeled entities and the Universal Laws of non-interference. I have links to him on my blog as well.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Oh, very Good Ines….Glad you are so awake! It is our job as you can see from what he talks about, to eliminate the fear in people and help people to know themselves and believe in themselves so they can be secure and strong….VK.

      • Ines Radman says:

        Yes, I have a mission right now and perhaps you can give me some advice on this. I used to follow a group that channeled a few entities. This group is deeply into the RV and these entities are basically telling them what to do, what to eat, what to think and to not believe anyone about Fukushima. I started my blog to not so much disprove them, but to provide some objective information for whomever wants to read it. I can’t control my urges to save these people, and no matter how much I try to say “It’s their choice and free will”, I am so worried they will suffer greatly from believing these entities. What would you do? And thanks in advance for your response!

    • Visionkeeper says:

      I hear you Ines, but that is our first big lesson to learn in this lifetime! Not to interfere with anyone else’s missions while they are here. We all know we learn from our mistakes and if we are not allowed to make our mistakes how can we learn? It is not easy to do this. It is our inclination to help others, but we just can’t. Just posting your other take on things is giving those other people the chance to read your material and learn or bypass it and suffer the consequences. The choice is always ours to make. We can not change anybody or how they think, all we can do is offer a different perspective and then they do with it what they want. It is time to concentrate on healing ourselves so we can be of service as the times ahead become more tumultuous. Our greatest gift we can give is to teach others how to release their fears so humanity as a whole can rise up at long last and be free.
      A sentence from Andrew Bartzis’ talk he gave is so key for us to get a good grasp on and that was: ‘ It only takes a few people to change the world but it takes the masses to enforce the change. ‘ This is why awakening the masses is so important. If we are not enough in numbers to hold the change in place what good are we doing?
      Keep doing the good you are doing! Allow others to do as they see fit and concentrate on becoming the best and strongest you can be so you will be there to help the others when the time comes…..Blessings to you…..VK

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