Letting go as things change quickly

I think we all need to get serious now about what lays ahead for us all. I truly believe that the next six months will be fraught with great change and whatever upheaval sleeping minds wish to create out of fear. But change is in the air, I can feel it on the hairs standing up on the back of my arms and neck. We have been in training for this time now, it is up to us to walk our talk and step in to guide the lost away from jumping off of cliffs. We are needed and we best be ready. Have we cleared out all we can clear from within and filled the empty spaces with love and compassion? Have we harnessed our raving egos, put them in solitary confinement, allowing them out only when needed? I am hoping that the number of people holding love in their hearts has tripled holding at bay all disasters the elite want so desperately to unleash upon the world.

I would imagine the propaganda will begin to fly at us soon at a unprecidented pace to confuse us and throw us off guard, do not let it do that! Our DNA is changing and our consciousness is rising and allowing us to move beyond the perils of 3D. Do not buy into the fear mongering, stay strong and reach out to help others and all will be well. No running to jump off a cliff when the going gets tough. We are here to help so keep that in mind.


I have mentioned before, but I will mention it again at the risk of being repetitious, we need to all be getting used to letting things go, especially if our emotions are involved. We are in a time of fast paced change, nothing is the same from day-to-day, everything keeps morphing into something new we must adjust to and then poof, it is gone only to change yet again. I believe it is the way the universe has chosen to acquaint us with the lessons of letting go. We have no choice in the matter, but we do have choice in how we handle it. We will be changing as humans in radical ways very soon so we best be learning our lessons carefully and practicing right now. Old ways of doing things must be allowed to fade away as new ways of doing things enter our lives.

 Wonderful change is coming our way and that is exciting, but even good change is change and it has not been easy for most to adopt change willingly. We have become rigid in our ways and often cling to outdated habits because they are familiar and easier to deal with. This behavior will not bode well for those wishing to jump into 5D. This is the homework we must be working on. Time is fast running out as well. This is one time in history where procrastination will be most detrimental. We have a great deal to do and so little time left to do it in.

Be open and ready to embrace all kinds of new ways of being. Leaving behind the old does not mean we are leaving behind who we are. If we define ourselves by things or situations or what we do then letting go will be far more difficult. Those things are NOT who we are, if we must let them go we must let them go. We are who we are as we shift and change and become the new species in 5D. We must bring forth from our depths the excitement needed to face this challenge head on. We are the explorers of a new land going forth to start anew. We must concentrate on the thrill of this venture thereby excluding all of our fears. We have been chosen to see this challenge through. Let us be successful. Let us let go, let God and let what will be, be.

Blessings to you all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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5 Responses to Letting go as things change quickly

  1. I agree with all you say here VK.. Change is accelerating faster and faster… So fast in fact my head is still dizzy!.. Letting Go has always been one of my own life lessons VK.. and this year has seen so many changes within that experience….. And yes at one time I felt like Jumping off the edge of a cliff.. But the ‘Mission’ within has always pulled me back in line as I know beyond knowing that I like you are here to help wake up people, and in doing so we also help wake ourselves up that bit more.. For years I have absorbed knowledge that have led me to this moment in time.. And as it draws closer I feel it every day VK, as it pulses through me.. as I almost feel the beat of our Earth Mothers heart as we join her in her vibrations… I breathe in deeper and deeper and embrace the changes VK.. And the waiting is getting less and less as I feel something Big about to shake up many is imminent.

    • DW…The big shake up is so close we could reach out and touch it! Sometimes my head just spins around things are whirling so fast. Like I was saying in one of my other posts I have trouble finding words at times. There are none to describe what I am experiencing.
      We need a new vocabulary…Yes Dw, we are fulfilling our mission right now, but I think we will be needed much more very soon. Chaos is not far off and many will be lost and needing assistance…The shift is indeed escalating and we will be feeling it greatly I think. We best stay close and keep in touch as times goes by…..Best to you DW…..VK 🙂

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  3. Visionkeeper says:

    We are now very near my friend…Not much waiting left to endure. Buckle up and get your camera out. Happy Monday to you all…. Blessings…VK 🙂

  4. anilraheja says:

    so looking forward VK 🙂
    God bless & love always…

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