
As time accelerates to warp 8, I think it is critical for us to make quiet time for ourselves to adjust to all that is going on. I don’t know about anybody else, but it seems as if I no sooner wake up than it is time to get dinner ready. I can’t seem to get things done as I once did. It is very frustrating indeed, but I also feel it is being intentionally done as a way of getting us out of the limitations of time restraints in preparation for being in a space where time is no longer relevant. Time is just another man-made creation designed to control us and keep us operating on a schedule that benefited big business and our hard-earned money going into the pockets of the corporate elite.

Time is something we will have to adjust to not having anymore and losing a bit more of it everyday is a gradual way for us to get used to not having time and soon not needing time. Now if we run out of time we tend to get frantic and worry sets in and we begin looking for ways to make up for the time we lost. How insane! How did we ever allow ourselves to get swept up into this elaborate illusion and worse, agreeing with it? The more I uncover the illusion, the more glaringly obvious it all becomes, I just am amazed at how easily we all were captured and put in chains with smiles on our faces. We best not ever forget this hideous experience. I don’t wish to ever fall from grace and have to revisit this den of iniquity again. Let us all learn our lessons well and move forward and don’t ever look back.

I saw this picture and just looked at it awhile. It was calm and inviting and it said come sit down a while. This is the kind of space we need to create where we can go to relax and unwind and reconnect with ourselves. Take a good book outside with you, eat a candle light dinner outside, meditate outside or just sit and watch nature move about. Smell the  fragrances, listen to the wind blowing about you, the birds singing, the leaves rustling. Part of this frantic gerbil wheel they keep us running around on is designed to keep us from having time alone to think and possibly figure things out. Work eight to ten hours a day, come home and eat, have a drink and settle your self down in front of the almighty black box. It is guaranteed to suck you into la-la land and spit you back out in time for bed so you can be up bright and early to start yet another round on the gerbil wheel. Pure insanity.

There is so much more to life and thank God we are starting to see the errors of
our ways. If you decide to join the boat or train leaving for dimension five, all of this insanity will be behind you. The only requirement for going on the journey is first you  must wake up and second you must learn to occupy your heart. If you can accomplish those two major hurdles, welcome aboard. It takes a warrior heart and a great deal of courage to kiss the familiar goodbye and embark off into the unknown. It takes a strong belief in what your mission is, a trust in the unknown, a commitment to the journey and a love light that doesn’t know fear and never stops glowing brightly. Take time to be quiet and figure out if this is where you want to go. I think most of you do, it just takes hopping off the proverbial fence and crossing over the road to the other side. You can do this and hopefully you will do this and we can all have one hell of a party on floor five when we get there!

Blessings to you all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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12 Responses to Frustration

  1. Visionkeeper says:

    Yes time travel for sure. Grab hold of me when I blow by your window!!!! Thank you again for your kind words. Always means a lot!!! Glad you are letting things slide a bit…So important to get adjusted here to what is coming. What will you do with not working all the time? Have you thought about that? Have a good one DW….Blessings….VK 🙂

  2. I just take a deep breath and clear my mind now and let time do its own thing.. I let the things that dont get done get left now. as I speed up within my day… Catching up here in blog land is something I love to do especially on your posts as you write wonderfully .. Time is already speeding up to bedtime here, and nothing seems to have been achieved, but who cares!… 🙂 We are all of us heading for some time travel soon 🙂 xxxx

  3. Pingback: Visionkeeper ~ Frustration | | Shift FrequencyShift Frequency

  4. Time is growing short by compression, so remain logical, use common sense; the same number of ‘jobs’ packed into that ‘same time’ which is actually shorter, make it seem much faster. Let the unnecessary slide and clear your minds for the important. Remain fearless. Peace.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hi RK…Thanks for your thoughts and perspective. As always it is greatly appreciated.
      Life is getting more interesting by the minute. Everyday I wake up now and think ‘Okay, what’s going to happen today’. I am so glad I decided to do this blog as my way of recording this entire process…One day it will be a book. If we still read in 5D??? VK

  5. anilraheja says:

    time – what a fascinatingly limiting concept – it actually doesn’t allow you to spend time with yourself. ironic!! “time” to move on, VK :)….God bless & love always…

    • Visionkeeper says:

      They have made damn sure people don’t have too much free time to think things through and figure out their game. No More!!! It is over and we will be sailing to 5D with a glass of champagne in hand and smiles on our faces with love in our hearts!! VK 🙂

  6. All aboard for the 5D train!!

  7. It is fascinating the way we can perceive a day has passed slowly or with unbelievable speed. I know the more deeply engaged I am with my passions the more I feel “out of time.” Is it like this for you, too? Peace to your day, VK…

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Absolutely!!! I get so into what I am doing the day is gone!!!! Have a great day Catherine….VK

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