Which way?


I saw this picture and it spoke to me. I never know which picture will jump out at me and ask me to write about it. It seems to speak to where we are at today. We are here, but we’re not really here. We are of the universe, but on which dimension do we actually reside? We are all part of this magical world where rainbows one day might be our highway to heaven, yet it feels like we are drowning in the darkness. This is very frustrating for many people, yet for me, this is what makes this journey so interesting. We really don’t know a thing about where we are going yet we continue forward, fully believing we are headed in the right direction. Is this naiveté or could it be as some call it, being duped yet again by the dark ones? I think not on either account. I think we are discovering our belief systems, our trust factors and our desires to see this journey through to the end. We are learning the fine art of discernment, we are practicing our trust and by remaining in our hearts, we believe in our journey, no doubts attached.

Sometimes it feels like the universe really is closed because it has become so difficult to be an active participant in what is considered normal today here on earth. For many, they have retreated, pulled back and dislodged themselves from the broken system. It is just too insane to be a part of. These are the times that have become so difficult to maneuver through. We are of the 3D world, but not really part of it. We are all citizens of earth, yet we are aliens. We are here, yet we are there, wherever there is. We are in limbo on so many levels yet still strong in our convictions, still searching for the right portal that will allow us to leave this dimension behind. We are living in a fascinating time and no matter what comes about, we should be eternally grateful to be here at this time participating in this grand shift in paradigms.

At this time I believe it is critical like never before to master the ability to go within to find our answers. If we learn to trust ourselves implicitly, we remain anchored on solid ground. If we don’t learn to trust ourselves we can trust little else. Just who are we is a question we should all be searching for answers to. For many of us I would imagine, we have spent the majority of our lives not truly knowing who we are. We know the people we have been taught to believe is us, but in reality we are merely fabrications of the dark ones fantasy world. We have been trained and molded into who we are expected to be. but who really questioned this and looked deeper into where we were going? Well now we must, we must look deep within and search for our essence at last and bring it forth into the light. We need to become who we were meant to be, not the person somebody else wanted us to be. We have suppressed that being pushing it to the back of the closet, muffling its cries to be free.

We don’t know where we are going for certain, we don’t really know what dimension we are residing in, often times it is difficult to know what is the truth and what is a lie, so we best know one thing for sure, who we are! We must become grounded in that reality for it is all we have for stability at this time. Know who you are and trust yourself completely. If you live this truth fully your energy will attract like energy and you will find others around you whom you can trust. Live from the truth of your heart and you will never be lost. You are not your gender, or your job title, or your personality. Dig deeper to find your roots.  What are your morals, what do you stand for, what do you believe so deeply in you will fight for it. Find the essence of who you are and let that person fly free and blossom.

Blessings to you all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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8 Responses to Which way?

  1. Pingback: Visionkeeper – Which Way? – 22 May 2012 « [Occupy] Aquarius Channelings

  2. Raven says:

    So glad you are back writing again VK and that I am still here to read it. Your messages are magical and always seem to come at the right time. This post reminded me of a bumper sticker I had on my car for so many years it finally became illegible: Begin Within.

    Namaste, from Raven Still Flying

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Glad you are still flying Raven and it is wonderful having you here. We do have such a wonderful group of people here. It is a pleasure to write for you all. What a great bumper sticker. Thanks for leaving your comments!

  3. 007blueray says:

    Namaste VK
    Thanks for sharing your signposts/markers with us.

    All of Us, We are constantly journeying between dimensions and we only have to live each moment in our Now to realize it. I’m steadfast in believing that some of Us are already realizing our ‘heaven on earth’ moments. I experience my heaven on earth when my garden is blooming, the birds are chirping, calling, singing, vegetables and fruits are being harvested and the lists goes on. I’m in heaven when I’m at peace, slowing down and just R&R with a cup of hot tea and some nice cakes/desserts. We make our own heaven and our own Universe is ‘never’ closed to Us. We only have to be more aware of it withing ourselves to experience it.
    Much Love and Blessings,

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hey Agnes! I couldn’t agree with you more…Heaven is where you make it. We have everything wonderful to experience life with awe if we just open our hearts and minds. Thanks so much for for stopping by. I always appreciate hearing from you…. VK

  4. Pingback: Visionkeeper – Which Way? – 22 May 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  5. Visionkeeper says:

    Right on Skyz….Magic is alive and well. We are all trust keepers as long as we are awake and open to those from the heart. We’re on the right road.Time to enjoy the journey….VK

  6. purpleskyz says:

    Great words VK! And I love that sign. 🙂
    I think we always have known who we are. It has just been buried waaayyyy back in the brain like the dark side of the moon. As the 11:11 coding has worked its magic the memories are flooding back to the forefront of the thoughts. And this is magic. We are in magical times and it is a true pleasure to share with the tribes that we are gathering together of which trust is the key. So I guess that makes you a trust keeper and a Vision Keeper!! LOL

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