In the water with sharks…

I think one way of describing these times we are trying to maneuver through, would be to say we are in the water with sharks. It feels in many ways to be a time of great or possible peril. There is a constant stream of information out there on the internet supposedly awakening us all to what is headed our way, but unfortunately it is almost impossible to tell who is telling the truth and who isn’t. As wonderful as the internet is for waking up the sleepers, the dark ones are also finding it a marvelous way to push their fear propaganda down everyone’s throats. Seems no matter what we do or think or say these days, there is a shark there waiting to latch on and pull us under for dinner.Ā  We really must get in tune with our guts again and begin to use our discernment about the information we are coming in contact with! The sharks are swimming all around us, we can see fins sticking up out of the water everywhere. It is up to us to figure out if those fins belong to sharks or dolphins. Big difference!

I received an email yesterday that had an article enclosed in it talking about foreign troops quietgathering in America. Several years ago I would have believed it and panicked, but today I don’t. So how do we handle information like this? By not adding our fear energy into the world and giving it strength. Remember, our thoughts create our reality, so do not allow these fearful thoughts into your reality. This is what the war of the minds is all about. They wish to control the thoughts that we create for a desired outcome. They want us afraid and worrying about something like this to give this possible scenario strength. It is up to each of us to not fall into fearful thinking and believe everything we read. Listen to what your gut tells you. They want us to be afraid of everything, we must not comply!

If we are going to survive swimming with the sharks, it is critical to understand the importance of our thoughts! They are powerful and can change our reality both for the bad and the good. Dr. Emoto’s work with water crystals showed the world this message through his photographs. If you don’t know who he is check out the above link. This is what staying in our hearts is all about. To stay in our hearts we must be love and in order to be love we must think only loving thoughts and feel gratitude for all life and hold no judgment. If we are living this way we cannot entertain fearful thinking as well, our belief system must be devoted to believing that all is as it should be, and if we feel love, we are one more individual putting strong loving energy out into the universe and not fearful thoughts!

If we can change water crystals with our thoughts, it stands to reason we can change each other and the world as well, considering both are a large percentage of water! Our thoughts have immense power and this is why the dark ones are in a battle for our minds. If they can turn us into fearful thinkers they gain control over us. It is up to us to not let this happen. To stay in our hearts and maintain a loving attitude towards life is like having a shark cage to get into and away from the sharks circling us for survival. To stay above the fear raises us to a higher frequency and to do that keeps us out of the dark one’s reach.

The main ingredient required to stay in our hearts is to believe. You cannot stay there if you do not believe! We must believe that all we see and experience is as it should be and that a loving world is being manifested right now by each of us. In truth, the world is a loving place to be, it is because of the dark ones that all that changed. We must know this in our hearts and refuse to believe anything different for if we question that, the door opens wide for fear to slip in and take over. This is OUR world, it belongs to everyone, not the elite few and we shall manifest the world we envision of peace and prosperity and love.

Blessings to you all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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9 Responses to In the water with sharks…

  1. Yes we are changing VK just like the water Crystals we are all made up of.. we need only play ourselves the right tune and ‘Tune’ into that right frequency of vibration to alter our own cells and that of those around us.. We are ALL of us connected in this Cosmic Soup.. Its just that we need to give it a stir now and again so as it doesnt stick to the bottom of the Pan! .. Anyone for Seasoning!???
    šŸ™‚ Another Great write up for our Awareness Vk . xx Hugs DW

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Love the analogy of soup! Great way to put it. I prefer basil or oregano myself and I’ve got to have salt. I can’t wait until we are finally there! I find the journey fascinating and wouldn’t have missed it for the world, but I’m ready! Thanks DW…Keep stirring! VK

      • Yes I know what you mean VK, some days we can get weary from going over old ground, But We came for this Mission and it now feels right that Im on that mission , I just wish I had a dozen pair of hands to get around and visit all of my visitors and those that havent visited in a while..
        I have days like today when I can spend a few hours on the PC and at others days away from it.. But its all part of the balance
        Im off soon this afternoon to a venue to so a service,and talk so need to wind down now and link into that other world wide web of thought.
        You should be proud VK your posts have great impact.. Love and Light. DW xx

  2. Pingback: Visionkeeper – In The Water With The Sharks… – 18 August 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  3. Eileen says:

    Hi VK
    Love Dr Emoto’s work. Our daughter and I did the rice experiment together a few years ago … actually we were only just talking about Dr Emoto yesterday….sync city šŸ™‚ I tend to remind her of the rice occasionally. It was a brilliant illustration for her ..and for me .. for all of us … on how emotions affect us all. We are made up of mainly water so our own thoughts and emotions affect us all and our environment. Would be good to take his work to all children so that we can all learn to understand what actually happens when we call someone `stupid’ …. and then what can also happen when we tell someone that we love them … or simply say thank you. Since hearing about his work I cannot go by our river without saying Love & Gratitude.
    Thanks so much for mentioning Dr Emoto.
    Love & Gratitude to you lovely one

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Blessings Eileen….Thanks for your lovely comment. He is a brilliant mind that has given so much to our advancement if we would only use it as you mentioned. Forget these dumb and mindless bullying classes that they are now having in schools, FINALLY! A day observing slides from Dr. Emoto would hit home far deeper than any class will. They would walk away from it a changed person! I have such deep respect and reverence for that man. Thanks for your being an important part in this awakening process. We all are here for each other. Your daughter is a lucky girl šŸ™‚ VK

      • Eileen says:

        Thank you so much VK …. if you could see me now since reading your lovely words … I am a shining beautiful crystal of such magnificence ..just like one of Dr Emoto’s water crystals. šŸ™‚
        Thank you so much for that gift … and all that you are doing and being. We are blessed.

  4. 007blueray says:

    Very good post, VK. Dr Emoto is truly an intuitive scientist. I’ve almost..all of his books and had gifted one of his books to my neighbor who had a surgery. I hope that more souls will awaken, understand how powerful we are and that everything is possible as long as it’s for the highest purpose for all involved.
    Namaste and beautiful blessings to You.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Namaste Agnes!!! Happy weekend! Yep, Dr. Emoto is an amazing person with incredible insight and courage to keep on with his research in a world of sharks. I don’t think there is anything quite as clear as his work to explain to people how much more they are than they realize. He explained it in pictures which brought it all home to everybody to understand! He has given a great deal to our shifting consciousness. God bless him for his contribution. I think many are awakening now and can feel the call to return to who we are. We shall get there, even if we have to swim through shark infested waters šŸ™‚ I send you love and blessings for a wonderful day. VK

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