Learning lessons…


I saw this picture and fell in love with its being. It captured my dream of a home with wide-ranging fields and serenity. I saved the picture and came across it this morning and for the first time I heard its message loud and clear. I have a way of wanting it all. I see pictures with rooms that I love and I think about how I could create that, but then I’ll find another a few days later and repeat the process. Obviously I can’t have them all. The message I got today was “Be happy with what you have”.  I have this driving need to experience everything. It is not envy that makes me want that field in my front yard, I want to experience having that field in my front yard. Once I do I will move on to the next thing. I have never understood this need to experience everything, I wish I did as it gets exhausting at times. I guess I have to try harder to be happy with what I already have, but I don’t really think that is the issue. I truly like where I live. It is like I have to experience everything I possibly can, almost as if I am to report back about my experiences. To whom? Why? I think I need to spend this day contemplating this all.

I think the era of the ’80’s have it all mindset’ didn’t do any of us any favors. Somewhere along the line we learned to want more! That was when we sadly lost the understanding of simplicity and its perfection. The more we wanted, the further away we got from who we really were. It is an art form to be happy as you are. We have been trained to think differently for so long now, it is a challenge to change those thoughts. We have been taught through television that we are flawed. We are too fat, too thin, not right in the mind, not eating correctly, not exercising enough, not smart enough, not worthy of. It is an endless parade of advertising that delivers the messages to us that we are not right as we are. I say we are! I say it is time to release those messages and reconnect with the wonder of who we truly are within. Forget all we have been brainwashed into believing, we are magnificent.

I remember a friend that went to India once. While she was there she saw a gentleman meditating in front of the Taj Mahal amidst a busy crowd of sightseers. She was amazed at his ability to stay seated quietly amidst the chaos. She sat nearby and waited until he had completed his meditation. She approached him and asked how he was able to do what he did. He thought for a moment then told her “one must learn to be at peace no matter where they find themselves.” What he speaks to is so true. We must learn to be happy and at peace wherever we are, with what we have or don’t have, we must find that peace within that we can take with us anywhere we go. That is being truly at peace within.

The not being happy with who we are or what we have or have not is what distracts us from the very thing we are seeking. The constant dissatisfaction with what we don’t have or who we aren’t, is an illusion as much as the world we live in today. It is a learned way of being and we must unlearn it! There will always be someone who has less than or more than ourselves. It is a fact and to try to achieve a state of perfection is a battle we cannot win. There will always be the desire to want more or better, until we stop and accept things as they are and be happy with that. That is the true art form we must challenge ourselves to achieve.

So I guess along with learning to be a loving and compassionate person, being honest and staying in our hearts, we can add to our to do list learning to be happy with what is. If we can master these four states of being I think we will be well on our way to the new world. This is our homework we need to complete. Put this list somewhere you can see it everyday and make perfecting this list a part of your daily life.

Blessings to you all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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7 Responses to Learning lessons…

  1. HWB says:

    VK…I would offer this take on this insight full post of yours. Perhaps the desire to have/experience
    all that we see offered before us comes from that which we desire triggering a cellular memory of our having had the ability to create all we desired to experience. Deep within us is the knowing that we have that ability, and because we have lost touch with how use it, we tell ourselves that we should be OK with what we have been able to create. Which, IMO keeps us complacent and stops our desiring the things we have been programmed to believe are beyond our reach.So we muddle thru life feeling guilty if we catch ourselves wanting our hearts desire.
    Its like a small child sitting enthralled in front of a big screen TV. We would think he/she is resonating with the picture being shown on the screen, but, in reality it is the flashing and movement of all the colors that are reminding the child of the light/color of the reality they have recently left to come here again into 3d bodies, to work on breaking free of the 3d bonds that make it so that we have to look at pictures to glimpse that which innately we know we can create thru having the desire/ability to do so. Appreciating what we have is an essential step to creating more than we have, just as having the dream of what we desire to manifest is required to go beyond the level of our current ability to create our reality.
    In Light,
    Will Iam

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Blessings Will I am…Very Insight full yourself! This could very well be! I manifested this new home I am in now, perhaps I needed to be more specific about the fields 🙂 If so I am not going to manifest again for a while as I am still recouping from the move!!! I have always wanted to experience so many different things it blew me away. It is the feeling these things instill that excites me. I wanted wood ceilings for coziness and I have them now, yet two days later I saw a room in a picture of a white room in a seashore house. Then I wanted that. It is endless. I desire the feelings each thing will provide, like like wood ceilings provide coziness, the white room provided simplicity and purity…. It is strange and as I said, exhausting at times. I liked your idea on this. Thanks….VK

  2. Pingback: Visionkeeper – Learning Lessons… – 27 August 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  3. Vk, this is very insightful and an important post. Wanting everything is one of the serious problems with humanity today. Being at peace with what you have, what and who you are, and where you are is so important. One may experience the unrealistic desire to live everywhere, which is impossible –but over time it is learned that one can live anywhere–and be happy there. It is not the geographic locality that is important–it is the peace within that provides that immense satisfaction with where you are at any given time. I have come to understand that the desire to be elsewhere,– in retrospect, is really the desire to expand horizons, and learn -and nothing else. Vk, persist–your path is the right one. Have a wonderful day! ~R

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Good day to you RK….Thank you for you words. You are correct that being happy with all we have and are in the moment is all there is. Things are never better on the other side of the fence for once you get there it all begins again! Learn to love and appreciate being in your own skin and all will be well. Hope all is well up there as fall creeps in. Close to putting the gardens to bed time again…Blessings to you….VK

  4. rosemarymonteith says:

    Wise words VK, we all need to consider them.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Good Morning Rosemary. Blessed day to you! Thank you and yes, it is such an important part of finding peace! VK

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