Swirling energies…Short thoughts


The incoming energies are intense these days and swirling about us like the dry autumn leaves in a puff of wind. We must not get caught up in the drama of them. We can view them from afar, feel them in our own bodies, but stay away from the drama of others playing out wildly right now. A great many folks are feeling the instability as their realities begin to move and slip away from beneath them and they are acting out the insecurities they are feeling. The energies are powerful at the moment and are assisting us in the changes we are creating within ourselves and for the new world that is soon to come. It is best to make the effort to go with the flow of these energies and not try to resist them. They can be exhausting to the physical body as well as emotionally, but they are greatly needed. Learn to swirl about with them, dance in the wind with them like the autumn leaves and be uplifted by them for they are bringing in the light we need to continue on with our journey. Marvel at their abilities to bring about change, do not fear them, be thankful for their presence and embrace them. They are speeding up the process we are going through and should be welcomed by us all for what they bring to us. Thank them and know we are well on our way to our long awaited freedom and release to finally be who we have always wanted to be. Rejoice! Blessings to all….VK

About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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12 Responses to Swirling energies…Short thoughts

  1. 007blueray says:

    Thank you, VK Sweetie! You’re such a doll.
    Sending much love to you too. – Agnes

  2. Visionkeeper says:

    Agnes….I’ve had several friends who lived with migraine headaches for a long time but found that acupuncture worked wonders and changed their lives! Give it a try if you feel up to it 🙂 Sending love and light your way. Glad you avoid western meds as all they do is make you sicker or worse! If it is any consolation, a great many have had headaches with this last incoming solar burst as it is bringing with it tons of new energy our bodies are struggling to incorporate….Hang in there and love to you….VK

  3. Im still swirling VK… but not spinning as fast LOL… Great post as usual my friend… 🙂
    Wishing you a good day and be well.. 🙂 xxx DW

  4. Pingback: Visionkeeper – Swirling Energies… Short Thoughts – 3 October 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

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  6. 007blueray says:

    Namaste VK,
    I wish that I could dance out of this headache – lol
    Hope that you’re having a better time than me.
    I’m still smiling and sending blessings to All,

    • Visionkeeper says:

      I’ve had a wicked headache too. Not sure if it is weather fronts moving through or the body trying to adjust to yet more changing energies. Hope you are feeling better soon my friend 🙂 Namaste…VK

    • vision5d2012 says:

      Hi Agnes – For what it’s worth – I read somewhere that if you open you crown chakra you will release the pressure in your head (headache.) I rarely get headaches. I have also been told by those who “see” energy that I have a very open crown chakra. As I said, for what it’s worth. Hope this helps. Blessings

      • 007blueray says:

        Namaste Vision5d2012,

        Thank you so much for the info.

        I don’t know how to ‘open’ my crown chakra. I was told that it was already opened a long time ago … although I don’t know when or how. I only knew that I had very, very intense and painful headaches back in 2003, after my both my Dad and my 19yr old older daughter passed on within 33 days of each other back in 2002.

        I went to consult many doctors in the hospital etc etc but none of their meds would work. Even a $8.00 per pill pain killer didn’t work at all. The doctors thot that I was ‘mental’ and/or paranoid or delusional… it was a very painful process.

        It got so bad that I thot that I asked God to take me back and be done with it. But … I made it through .. and I thought that was the period when my crown chakra was opened.

        That was what I was told. I can’t see my own aura …probably not as psychic as others …but it’s all right ‘cos I’ve been relying on my own ‘knowing’ from within for a long, long time …. since I was a child. My spirit guides are/were just beautiful beings and although I don’t hear nor see them but their guidance speaks through my heart …and that is good enough for me. I don’t need ‘concrete evidence’ to realize my potential and it’s still an ongoing process which I’m happy to embrace.

        I do try to avoid western meds .. until I can’t take the pain anymore …. but I do have homeopathic formulas for migraine and it did seem to work for me. I’ve not been having headaches for along time too but it seems to have started in September, escalating badly on 1st Oct and by 2nd October …I was crying for help … lol…..

        But I’m feeling much better now and am continuing with my homeopathic formulas every 2hrs. till the pain is totally gone.

        Thank you both VK and Vision5d2012 for your comments and tips. Greatly appreciated it. I hope that you’ll be feeling much better soon VK.

        Wishing All of You, my love and blessings,

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