We dance with nature to the same music

As seen from the Ascension Headquarters Porch looking down valley…

A storm approaches, creeping in slowly and darkening the sky for miles around. It is time to shut the windows and for all the animals to get to a dry place of refuge. A storm approaches in our present reality as well. It is silent for now but we can feel the shifting energies and the hairs stand up on the back of our necks with a knowing that ‘something’ is close. Will there be much lightning and thunder throwing everything into chaos or will the heavy rains just slide in quietly and steadily pounding everything below? Will the winds blow wildly tearing leaves from branches and tossing them into the air and swirling them around frantically? Will we show our instability and create chaos when the storm arrives as well, or will we all retreat within and center ourselves in our hearts and be calm amidst the storm? It approaches soon, the decision is now ours to make and live by.

As pressure mounts will we succumb to it or will we stand strong and reflect it off of us? If we are honest with ourselves we know from our past conditioning that we tend to follow the herd so to speak and we shun being looked upon as different, an outcast, out of the norm. We have been working so hard for so long now to find our centers and to stay anchored in our hearts, will we remain true to ourselves and stand for what we believe? It is hard to do, even harder when the moment of truth is upon us. If we desire our freedom enough, if we believe in our rights to be who we truly are deeply enough, if we believe peace and love are the core of what the world is really all about, then we will not waver!

The leaves are finally majestically changing their colors and the hillsides are lit up like oil paintings of vivid colors. We too are changing majestically, into the beings we truly desire to be. We are showing our true colors and not even rain storms or wind storms can wipe away the beauty. We are unfolding like the autumn landscape, connecting as one and doing the dance of change as one. We have found our centers outside of the false lives once forced upon us by the dark ones, we have found deep meaning and aliveness in becoming ourselves and we show our beauty boldly to the world disregarding any threats to silence us. Change is upon us but we have learned now to go with it without resistance like the trees who change their colors. We are learning to believe in ourselves and find our deep sense of self-worth and we are fighting to regain what rightfully belongs to each of us. Our right to live our lives as we so choose! There is no longer doubt we harbor within, we have found our place and are now willing and eager to stand proudly and plant our roots into the soil of the new world we are creating.

We are now part of the WHOLE picture! We proudly stand alongside all the others who are changing and reclaiming their place in life. We are a magnificent whole of creation and we are the new world quickly emerging now. There is no holding it back any longer. The will of mankind is so strong now for change and freedom it cannot be denied. The dark ones do not have the power to halt this progression from going forward. Try as they might, our love is far too great to overcome. Our time has finally come to release our hold on all the old ways of being much like the trees must release their dead leaves and let them fall away to earth to be composted and reused to create new life. We do not end but rather continue to journey our way through a never-ending life, making our changes and recreating ourselves anew.

This latest change we are undergoing is by far the greatest challenge we have ever undertaken. Not only will we change but so too will the entire universe for we are all one. Humanity has not witnessed a major shift in consciousness before. What a grand celebration this achievement will bring throughout the galaxies. We are close to completing this mission and now is certainly not a time to allow doubt to creep in. Stand strong, stand together proudly and know what you are accomplishing is allowing the creation of the new world to come forth and for all to fly free!

Blessings to you all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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19 Responses to We dance with nature to the same music

  1. Pingback: Visionkeeper – We Dance With Nature To The Same Music – 8October2012 « Mission Galactic Freedom

  2. susieq777 says:

    Oh, I sooooooooooo love this ~ “Our time has finally come to release our hold on all the old ways of being much like the trees must release their dead leaves and let them fall away to earth to be composted and reused to create new life.”

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Thank you Susieq…….Yep, we’re dumping it all and moving on to a new world….Just like the leaves. Who’d of thought we’d ever want to be like leaves? Sounds good to me! VK

  3. Pingback: We dance with nature to the same music | love2ascend

  4. Pingback: Visionkeeper – We Dance With Nature To The Same Music – 8October2012 « The Golden Age Daily

  5. purpleskyz says:

    What beautiful views that you have VK!
    Just stunning.
    And great words of encouragement to appreciate the progress of this movement.

    To Catalina… I think SaLuSa is making the drug references towards Greg Giles. There has been much ado about this so called channeler. Seems there is a channeler war going on. Lots of bs but I am finding it amusing. I think most of the so called channels have run their course and the ones that kneel at their feet will be very disappointed when the time comes. Perceptions and discernment is to sharp right now for most to swallow. A little investigation reveals that most of these are transcribed by the same woman. Very clever but easily found out.

    Those of us that began this journey as part of the 60’s counter culture never lost our visions. No pun intended. We knew then what was up though some of us maybe closed our eyes and took a nap for a few decades but we are millions strong and wide awake for this time.

    So.. as we used to say in the 60’s…

    Have a wonderful day ALL!

    Much LOVE to ALL here!

    Love IS Oneness

    • Raven says:

      POWER TO THE PEOPLE! So funny…. I love you, Skyz!

      • Catherine Catalina says:

        Even if Salusa whoever is making a reference to Greg G or anyone..it is still a judgement that there is a right and wrong way to get to any particular destination. I am happy to see that there are like minds out there who have this view on the role of many in the 60’s who have paved a way… in humble little ways.. to allow our experiences also have an impact on our children and our children’s children..and just an energetics to the overall times….respect to all..think your happy thoughts.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      People power rocks! Hey Skyz….As I’ve said a zillion times, I don’t do channelers but rather go within and find the answers and the journey for myself. Even if the channelers were pure and without ego and bias, they are being distorted by haarp beams so what is coming through is far from pure….Count on yourself I say…..VK

  6. Raven says:

    Thanks for sharing the photos of your beautiful place VK! It brings me great joy to see the beauty you are experiencing from your Ascension Porch. I find the fall colors this year so much more intense and inviting than I ever did before.

    I’d also like to mention that I totally agree with Catherine Catalina about the drug issue and the judgmental attitude of some of the channels. We must always remember that channels are humans with their own biases and fears. But certainly were it not for the peyote, LSD, and mushroom experience and the mind expansion that all the First Wavers brought with them, what we are going through now would be a wholly different, more frightening experience. That was our job, to light the way, and that is why I have never been afraid but I understand why others are. I know for a fact our current reality is a matrix of the mind and that in order to function in 3D we must retain that reality, but it’s not real and what is beyond 3D is far more beautiful, like fall colors all the time, everywhere you look. Those so-called “mind altering drugs” taught me valuable lessons that I kept in my heart all these years and in very real ways separated me from those who never had them. It required courage to lift that veil and not freak out! Now we know why they made them illegal and I imagine that what lies before us is something like the best drug trip you ever had, the one that left you with a brave and open heart that you carried all this time in order to light the way.

    Carry on Lightworkers. The path is clear.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      You got that right Raven! Whooooweeee….What a trip it will be 🙂 Drugs were not the evil they were branded but rather an amazing tool with which to expand our minds and connect with ourselves within. Good lord, they couldn’t have us doing that so ban the drugs! Too late! The expansion had already taken place. Thank Goodness! VK

  7. Catherine Catalina says:

    ‘. We are learning to believe in ourselves and find our deep sense of self-worth and we are fighting to regain what rightfully belongs to each of us. Our right to live our lives as we so choose!”THANKS FOR THAT VK..as that is what I was trying to say in what got me going in the below post from some source called Salusa..(I hope it is not too long for your site,but I was fire filled)

    ” Remember that your body is your temple, and look after it and move away from any practices that you know are causing it harm. You cannot for example take your drug habits into the higher dimensions, and the sooner you are determined to break the addiction you will succeed.”Salusa

    I do not agree with the above “judge _mental” statement. I find it coming from some kind of Spiritual Elite perspective..and no I do not have an addiction to drugs. I just find it offensive that in these times and the fact that many came here for this “ascension” timeline..well, who is anyone to say who is going to rise or not..seriously. It does not encourage anyone.. these kind of judgements. No one..absolutely no one knows the ins and outs of this process.I would think where there is life there is endless possibilities.

    I know that in the 60’s there were many in my era that did Acid , mushrooms and peyote..pure forms..not the drugs of these times. I know that many found their spiritual path thru these kinds of drugs…many found higher dimensions…many found enlightenment and not when they were just high..this enlightenment lingered long after.it opened a portal for many on the path to the unknown “ascension” catch phrase being tossed about now.

    That era started the peace movement, the awakening of yoga and meditation for the masses..a long with folks wanting to eat healthier..it was a huge catalyst of those times..those drugs…those drugs that even many ancient cultures used and many still do..in the peyote realm..

    I think your soul is in charge of ascending..you body is making the experience more worldly,but none the less the process has little to do with this world as we know it.

    I just have to question all this channeled info at this point..if any of it is making folks feel “less” not enough as they are..and encouraging then it is not in the right vibration. What if everything were “right’ what if one person’s way was just fine on their path .

    There are many who are “addicted” to the drugs that they have gotten legally from their “doctors” these folks have health issues that they still think are being corrected by these drugs..legally..does that make them any less a candidate for the Ascension everyone is distracting us with..enough of the talk already..there is nothing holding back this process accept folks who channel information that allows for anyone to have self doubt..

    Encouragement that we are all just fine as we are is what we need..most of us still feel like children no matter our age..we all want to be in a warm nurturing embrace..Personally..I would rather just be in nature and let her be my guide. I am done ..so done with all this channeled nonsense..folks should be their own “guide” and love themselves no matter what..that should be encouraged..stop the madness.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Thanks Cat…I have never been attracted to channeling what so ever. I find it amusing as most people who reblog my posts are channeling sites. I do not channel, I write from my heart whatever comes out my finger tips and onto the keyboard. People better wake up and think for themselves in having to find solace in somebody else’s words. They will be lost when the time comes for us to face the final reality if they can’t rely on themselves. I try to give hope as hope is what I am all about and that is it. The rest is up to everybody. Blessings….VK

      • Catherine Catalina says:

        I am very aware VK that your heart space is where you words come from..that is why I resonate with your blogging intelligence.I don’t do channeled information for my “understandings” either…so, thanks for sharing with us and letting us share with you and each other..I bow to ..hands at my heart.

  8. Beautiful VK, your words bring hope and love, If we but understand that living from our HEARTS can CHANGE our World… I am so excited to be part of what I call our HEART Movement,.. Once we live from our Hearts and detach from our minds of Fear we will become like the Tree, shedding our leaves so we can connect to our roots and source of energy…. To connect back to Earth and the Magnetic Fields , I am standing proud, even though Im so tired at this moment VK… something if not that virus just sapped my energy…
    We need to listen once again to our Hearts and connect again to our senses and here is a wonderful link and unify http://www.glcoherence.org/
    I so loved this post and your photo’s … Thank you VK for keeping us motivated and inspired …
    Love and Blessings.
    Sue xx

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Thank you DW for being a faithful follower. I always love hearing from you. We are close now my friend and the energy will flood back into you no matter what. I hope they aren’t zapping you with haarp. That will take everything out of you. Put a white light around yourself and stay warm….You need to reserve your strength for what lies ahead. Get better….Blessings….VK

      • Yes I put up my cloak when I came down with the Virus and have strengthened it every day, Even Hubby said how drained and tired I looked, did a whole lot for my confidence LOL this morning, but I have to admit my batteries seem to be running on empty these past few days… and even though Ive been sat reading and watching one of Gregg Bradens Video.. Deep Truth, and done nothing at all today, I still feel zapped…
        Im going to do some Qi Gong exercises later and pull in some Chi..
        Thank you for your thoughts, and I have a Week to recoup .. Hugs and Blessings back DW xx

  9. Pingback: Visionkeeper – We Dance With Nature To The Same Music – 8 October 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  10. manfly says:

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    ~reblogged by manfly~ ♥ love peace & harmony to All ♥ …  
    beam me up.

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