The biggest lie of all…

I find it so disturbing to think for eons of time people have been subjected to the biggest lies through their religions. To be told first of all that Creator would judge us all and be the great decider of out fate when we die is beyond preposterous, it is a sin. There is no way Creator could be angry with us, disapprove of our behavior, that he stands in judgment of us all and we better be good! There is no heaven or hell we ‘go to’ when we pass on. Heaven and hell are a metaphor for the life we live while we are on earth. The choice is always ours, and if we choose to stay in our hearts and be love, life if like heaven. If on the other hand we choose to be pure evil our life here on earth will be one of hell. It is truly sad to think religion has been the weapon of choice for the dark ones to use against us to keep us in line. We were taught to fear Creator or else. Creator loves us all, has no judgments of us, and embodies love and has compassion for all of the people. Creator should never be feared! Creator is love!

I realize this is a tricky subject, wide open to creating arguments and creating divide amongst the people. Perhaps that is why I was directed to write this post, to help people be able to break free of the lie regardless of how painful it may be. Creator is real, his trust and love for us will always be something we can hold on to, but the lies the church has bestowed upon us are shameful at the very least. Religion much like race has been forced into our lives as a means of separating the people, for should we all come together as one people they could no longer have control over us. So, pit they people against one another any way they can and what you end up with are millions of people all belonging to their own little groups and willing to fight each other to preserve them. It’s called separation!

We are NOT separate! We are all one people regardless of what we look like or what faith we believe in. There really is only one creator for the world, he loves us all no matter who we are or where we live or what religion we practice, despite what the dark ones have tried to instill in us. It is all one in the same. We are spiritual beings having a human experience while on earth. This is the true purpose of why we are here, to learn the art of loving one another, to eliminate hate, judgment and ego and all of the less desirous traits we have managed to pick up along the way. These traits are not who we truly are within. We are loving and kind and generous and compassionate beings.

We have been forced to believe over and over again that war is necessary, that killing people is acceptable as a part of war, collateral damage! We have been forced over time to believe if we don’t support war we are not patriotic and should be shunned by all others. The dark ones created the wars to benefit from, why should we support them? After a while when we all began to turn against war and its devastating destruction, then they took over the television and began flooding the airwaves with movies of killing and death, and hate for one another until finally America’s morals began to disintegrate and people began to believe there was nothing wrong with killing one another. Look at what has become of society today. Our children believe it is okay to kill a classmate for a pair of tennis shoes! They are dividing us up and it must stop!

This is not entirely the fault of the dark ones! It is just as much our fault for allowing ourselves to be forced into believing such garbage because we stopped using our minds to think for ourselves. If we had remained thinking we would have seen the insanity of what we were being told to believe in. But we stopped thinking for ourselves and the rest is history as they say, but we can still save ourselves before it is too late. We have to begin to think again! Question EVERYTHING! Do not believe blindly in what you are being told. The wars our children are dying in were created on lies! If you take the time to read alternative news on the internet and turn off your TV sets, you will see for yourself the lies you are being fed everyday, but nobody questions them!

My point here is to look back over our lives to date and see how most of us lived our lives because of lies we were believing and being influenced by. We have not been allowed to live our lives as we truly should be living them. It is just a matter of waking up and researching for ourselves and to stop believing all that we are being programmed to believe! The truth is there to be found if one just makes the effort to look. If you can see the lie of heaven and hell and the corruption of religion, hopefully you will be able to understand the rest of the illusion and you will begin to see for yourselves what is going on. Once you see it, you see it! It is like the chemtrail lines in the sky, once you see them for yourselves you begin to see them everywhere you go and the denial ends. The same is true for the lies choking the life out of us, once you see them there is no turning back and you will see them everywhere as well and ask yourself, how could I have not seen this? Open your eyes and have courage!

Blessings to you all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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16 Responses to The biggest lie of all…

  1. Michael O'Day says:

    Too many typos, sorry.

  2. Michael O'Day says:

    Visionkeeper. Go outside look at the night sky. You are looking at time. 14.5 billion years of time. Some of the light you are seeing came from a star 14.5 billion light years away. But then you have to think about time while yo are out in you garden. Our universe may be 14.5 billion years old, but… . But, time is infinite. Our universe on which we focus all of our attention has existed for a brief moment in infinity. If you think a creator made all this and is focused on your doings, give it up, infinity wills. Infinite time, infinite space, imagine what tat means about your existence. You are important. Everyone is special. But there is nothing but infinity to ponder. Negative time is a good place to start. How much time was there before our universe came into existence. And with innfinite space yo might ponder on how many universes you could fit into infinite space.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      I will ponder all of this in my garden and in the night sky when the snow stops and the temperatures warm up a bit:) Thanks for commenting and reading here with us all. Have a great weekend ahead….VK

  3. Pingback: VIsionkeeper – The Biggest Lie Of All – 12 October 2012 « Mission Galactic Freedom

  4. Barbara Sandlin says:

    I agree with your post. I share this on FB all the time. People are so brain washed they will go to hell for ” thinking” it’s ridiculous! Lost most of my family and friends over it. Of course, they all think now I’m going to hell because I woke up to the truth. They will know for themselves soon enough. They say “God doesn’t support sectarianism” but just question one thing they believe and you are an infidel. It’s so absurd! Thx for the post!

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Greetings Barbara…Glad to have you on board!! I am surprised I haven’t been tarred and feathered for writing this post. I never know what feathers I will ruffle but these things need to be said!!! Stay in your heart and know your truth. If we have to stand alone amidst the masses of sleepers we will do so. We will NEVER believe the lies! VK

  5. Pingback: Visionkeeper – The Biggest Lie Of All – 12October2012 « The Golden Age Daily

  6. Raven says:

    Another great post, VK. You won’t get a bit of argument from me. I was right there with purpleskyz in Sunday school, pointing out the absurdities and failing religion totally. Never bothered me in the least, I knew from about age six it was all hocus pocus and couldn’t understand how all these mature adults fell for it. It’s funny because just yesterday I received an email from a Christian friend that talked about how we are all so weak, so filled with sin and evil, and that we should kneel down to the power of the Almighty and beg for forgiveness “before the end.” Beg? Kneel? Don’t make me laugh. The church would claim I was filled with hubris, that I should humble myself before God’s power. Who could believe such buffoonery?

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hey raven….Yeah, it is hard to fall for all that garbage. If people had a deeper sense of self and stronger self esteem, they would realize the absurdity of fearing God or else. They would not need to believe the lies to find self worth. One can continue to love Creator deeply and have a strong relationship with him without the BS the church pours out about kneeling and obeying, and being humble before him etc! Creator would NEVER expect us to fear him, kneel before him, ask for forgiveness for being ourselves. He loves us as we are warts and all….Hopefully people will catch on or else just remain lost….VK

  7. Catherine Catalina says:

    “Our words and thought alignments are very key as we walk in new shoes in a new way. If any aspect of you is worried about yesterday, a year ago, lifetimes ago… you are rapidly bringing yourself back to that energy. Let it all go… time to reprogram the mind and heart fully to the present… and the present is Heavenly!” Lisa Gawlas
    I think Lisa sums it up perfectly..

  8. Pingback: VIsionkeeper – The Biggest Lie Of All – 12 October 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  9. purpleskyz says:

    HELL YEAH!!!
    The above post is why I come here everyday! This one hits it out of the park!!
    I wonder how many of us always just plain knew it was a load that we were being fed? I have been “arguing” , or debating the religious ideals my entire life. Even in Sunday school as a kid I was pointing out absurdities and being chastised for that. The lies and mind bending control is the very reason that we are here this time around I think. The masses are asses and when the “truth” is really told … that is when we will really begin the work we are here for. At least that is how I feel.
    Great words today VK!
    I hope ALL here have a great weekend!
    Love to ALL here!

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Greetings Skyz….Glad it hit the spot for you 🙂 It needed to be said no matter how much turmoil it creates. Time to embrace the truth. Have a great weekend and a new moon on Monday! Blessings…VK

  10. Eileen says:

    Great post VK
    Kia Kaha!

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