We are the answer…


The road to awakening has been long and often times difficult, especially for those warriors that began this journey many years ago. For them it has been an endless learning process, nose stuck in a hundred spiritual books looking for answers and where to go next. It is time now to let the books of wisdom fly away and for each of us to realize we have the answers and the road map within our hearts. You really can’t read your way into a new way of being, it takes action, walking the talk and listening within ourselves for the answers. Just like we had to learn things the ‘Hard Way’ to get the lessons being offered, we also now must realize everything we need to know lies within each of us and it is time to be looking within not looking outward for the direction to go in.

The spiritual books laid the ground work for where we are today. The older warriors who read until their eyes crossed were needed then to begin to find the way forward for this shift in our consciousness. Their knowledge has been invaluable, but it is now time to set the books aside. The path has been laid out for everyone to follow, the hard work has been done, now we must just be willing to do our own inner work and be the change ourselves. All change begins with each of us individually, our own lives must change first before we can try to reach out and change what needs changing around us. This was the hidden message the old warriors discovered on their journey and passed along to us. Do your own work first!

I have read hundreds of books in my day, I was one of those warriors that read until my eyes crossed. I read until I couldn’t take in any more information. Shortly thereafter I realized that the whole journey and gobs of information could all be compressed into one small compartment. A compartment for being joyful, living from my heart, being love and being compassionate to all others, both man and beast. For years along my journey I would hear the familiar phrase ” the answers lie within”.  Now I understand the true meaning of that simple phrase. All the change we wish to see must come through us by going within. So now we know and it is time to put what we have learned to good use. Humanity and the world needs us, it is time to make our changes and open our hearts to love and reach out to others in need!

It is time to end the third world countries. All countries should be equal, no child should starve or be without an education, clothes, and a roof over their head. It is time to stop the gluttony of rich countries wallowing in their riches to the point of not appreciating them while others have nothing. It is time to stop allowing these actions to continue, it is time to stop being silent. I have great hope for humanity because basically we all want to be happy and healthy and have peace. We are beginning to become more sensitive to these desires now and we are wanting to reach out and help those in need. It is time to take this desire out of our minds and manifest it into action. We must be the change and the time has come to do this! We are the answer…

Blessings to us all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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10 Responses to We are the answer…

  1. kibitzer3 says:

    In 3D, ‘being equal’ too often meant, in duality translation, the power of the state over the individual. A particular exercise for some in this ‘day and age’ will be to release that concept – for both ‘parties’ concerned – and realize that we are now talking about the quality of Love to run the show. Not Force. Big difference.

    Here’s to us all opening to The Difference. A big part of which is to Be the change we want to see. As commented on above, and in your well-put blog.

    And you were wondering what on earth you could still talk about here…..you are certainly putting that conundrum to rest. 🙂

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Thanks Kib…lol 🙂 Yes we all finally learned after ten thousand books that what it all boiled down to was in actuality living from the heart. Takes us a while to get it 😦 BUT! we got it!!!! May you have a wonderful day of preparation and may your day of adjustments tomorrow be wonderful as well…..VK

  2. Very true, VK. I hope that we will see all countries being equal very soon indeed!

    • Visionkeeper says:

      I dream about it all the time. People living in squalor can now live in real homes. How wonderful that would be!!! And to have food in their bellies…It will happen soon 🙂 VK

  3. We are the answer VK, we are the Change, and I agree I read so many many books in those early years upon my journey to awareness… And its now gone past the time we will find answers in books even though many are still writing them…
    We need to Feel within the changes …
    I spoke last evening to a room full of people and many came to speak to me afterwards and echoed your own thoughts as well as my own VK..
    I have no doubts our journey can be as smooth or as difficult as we want to make it… We I think can only allow others to make up their own minds now as you say VK…. The changes have to come from within each of us and those early books all pointed to exactly that…

    Another welcome read my dear friend and apologies Ive not been so frequent a visitor, but work and visiting family have been taking up more time these days..
    Hope that you are well VK and keeping warm.. We are experiencing a very cold spell over here..
    DW xoxox

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hey DW…. Thanks for stopping by. Glad to hear you have visitors 🙂 That is always nice but a lot of work as well. Yes, haven’t we found it seems the answers we look for so long always end up being so simple we overlooked them in the beginning? I always heard the answers were within but within didn’t really click for me until later. Living from the heart is what it really is….I am so thrilled to be in this final phase of our journey now. The anticipation is growing and I am about ready to burst…Praying all goes well for all of us. Sending love your way and please stay well in the bitter cold….VK

  4. Raven says:

    I like Sprinklin’Thoughts “yep.” I have that reaction often to VK’s post, like she says just what needs to be said. Of course Raven is known for being unable to resist squawking her extra two cents into the mix.

    I was one of those reading warriors too. I had a sign over my cozy reading space that said, “Begin Within.” But what we now know is that our “within” was shielded and blocked and I’m quite sure, looking back now, that the energies afforded by the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 broke through that barrier and allowed us to locate and connect with our “within.” When I look back at that time, I know my whole life changed at that point, although I did not know why at the time.

    VK, it has been a very long, difficult journey for sure. I am so proud of all the beings who were not afraid to venture forth at great personal cost to continue the work begun by the many souls who participated at the HC, and for those like VK who held it together through thick and thin when I know there were times that was the last thing she felt like doing.

    Peace out, Raven

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hey Raven…squawk on to your hearts desire. I love it. I too felt a huge change sweep through with the Harmonic convergence. It definitely set things in motion for what we are going through today. I just hope I can keep on keeping on as the time draws closer…We shall see. VK

  5. SprinklinThoughts says:


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