2. Faith…



In keeping with what I wrote yesterday, today on the list for creating what you want is Faith. Faith in the book was defined as follows: “faith is a state of mind which may be induced or created by affirmation or repeated instructions to the sub conscious mind through the principle of auto suggestion.” Sounds very cold and calculated to us spiritual beings, but in essence is that not what we are doing when we have deep faith regarding something? We find ourselves saying things like we can do this, we will do this, we will hold the light etc. Essentially the same thing just thought of in a less calculated way. So along with a strong almost obsessive desire to rid the world of the dark evil and have our freedom back, we also need faith that this WILL come about. We must ignite our passion and desire to get this mission done and call in our faith that we can do it. As the author said, “Desire backed by faith knows no such word as impossible”. There is no room for doubt in this process! The people he writes about in terms of securing great wealth, never once allowed doubt to enter in and alter their belief that they would succeed. Abraham Lincoln had such a desire. He dreamed of seeing freedom for the black slaves and his dream was made manifest. He did not stop to doubt if he could accomplish this feat. He had faith he could and he did. We can as well! Instead of freeing black slaves we will free humanity.

I guess first we must decide what we want to accomplish and put it into our mission statement. We can’t be vague like I want freedom for the world. While nice to dream of, it does not go to the heart of the desire and pin point what we must work on to get the final result. I would suggest that we go for dismantling the foundation of the dark one’s world. A structure without a secure foundation will not stand up for long. In  my opinion this would be done by removing ourselves from the matrix that supports and funds their activities. That said, it seems a good mission statement  for us could be to make manifest getting the whole of humanity to not comply and gently resist without any means of violence. Our vision then becomes, simply put, to get humanity to stop complying and begin to find ways to exist without needing what the dark ones have to offer. It still seems too big a plan and in need of whittling down to size. I’ll keep working on this. Be patient.

To not comply is the most direct way to bring them to their knees for there will be little they can do without our money to fund their evil. This will bring down the corporations who depend upon our consumerism to continue buying their products. So lets take food for example since it is key for our survival. We need to eat Organic. I can hear people now saying ” Sounds great but I can’t afford Organic food.” Now comes in what I mentioned yesterday. You can’t keep doing things the same way and expect change. Remember, we can do anything we put our minds to, have a desire to do or have faith we can do. We can’t have everything stay the way it is and expect change though. I live on a very fixed income and yet I eat organic food. How? I make it my priority. I don’t go out to eat, I don’t go to the movies, I don’t buy new clothes unless absolutely necessary and then it comes from second-hand shops, I don’t waste money on such bad habits as smoking cigarettes or drinking etc. Health is a priority for without our health we have nothing and the dark ones are destroying our health as fast as they can. By cutting out the frivolous living, I am able to maintain my organic lifestyle. Compromise is a must!

Faith is the second key to being successful in any endeavor we take on.  So we need a strong desire to regain our freedom through non compliance and we need faith that we will succeed. We need to build up our faith through repeated suggestion that we will succeed! We say it and think it over and over again. “We will succeed at getting humanity to stop complying.” Yes this is the work part of our mission. Nothing will happen without our giving ourselves over to it in some way, by making time to set the steps in place so we can use them to complete this mission. we set our mission and we eat, think and breathe it into being. Yep, it’s work but freedom will not come to us for nothing. How much do you really want your freedom? Be completely honest with yourselves. Face the truth right now, you cannot stay doing things the way you are now, so it’s a big leap. Do you have faith?  We have become a lazy society and expect a great deal for so little. We need to answer this question for ourselves. You have to have a strong desire to commit.

Blessings to us all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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13 Responses to 2. Faith…

  1. No question, this is perfect. Not often
    do I come across a blog that’s equally instructive and
    fascinating on web 2.0 site, and let me tell you, you have hit
    the nail on the head. This topic is an issue that not enough folks are talking
    intelligently about. Now I’m very happy I discovered this throughout my search for things relating
    to this.

  2. ilonca84 says:

    Thanks for this post, it is very inspiring. I have many ideas on how to spread the word to the masses, but I am having troubles getting it down concrete on how to start it. I hope to start walking the walk and not just talk it! 🙂

    • Visionkeeper says:

      You’ve already begun by just being awake enough to know what you have to do! Great! The best thing we can do at this point is wake up those around us, one person at a time 🙂 Stay with it! Thanks for commenting and stopping by and thanks for your kind words. VK

    • Raven says:

      You can always drop by this site’s Comparing Notes page if you want help with something. VK has collected a nice group of folks who have been through much together, as you can see there on the endless running dialogue. All of us need to walk the walk and that’s easier done with others than alone.

  3. Raven says:

    This might be a good time to repeat something I wrote many months ago somewhere on this blog I think, which is something my wise owl father taught me: Saving the whole world might be a bit much to take on for a single person, but you can make huge changes in a small world. It’s up to you to decide the size of that world, a home, a town, a workplace, etc. So VK you might elaborate on that concept in the inimitable way you do.

    Some of us are tired and some of us are energized (same old, same old!) so there is nothing wrong with using this time to Make a Plan! If we are not willing to make small changes in our own lives, how can we expect to effect change in others? Like the “I can’t afford organic food” concept. VK is right, you have to adjust your priorities, so using the list I posted yesterday as a starting point (VK, please feel use to any of that) when you give up movies, expensive clothes and shoes, cleaning supplies, cosmetics, shampoo and hair goop (make your own from cheap ingredients, plenty of DIY recipes on-line, I have tons of them) you find you have more money for food. When you give up prescriptions and doctor visits by staying healthy and taking charge of your health, you have money for organic food. When you use goldenseal for small infections (bladder, ear, sinus, etc.) instead of running to the doctor for antibiotics, you save a ton of money. When you take medicinal mushrooms or use any of the inexpensive foods that assist your immune system, you save money. This is an on-going process and re-learning experience for many but it is the kind of readjustment we need as a society and the information is everywhere you look on-line. (VK- if you would like assistance with a list of sites I know of many, you probably do as well.) Many of your readers have made these changes already but society at large has most definitely not and they are ripe for education. That is what my B&B and organic garden and wildlife habitat is about. I actually had a blog for while but I got too busy with actual doing (business, gardening, caretaking) to keep it up. I found I liked doing better than writing about doing.

    So I guess what I’m saying here is that in order to effect change we must be willing to change ourselves (the small world) and then by example we branch out to others. This is light work, this is what we do.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hey Raven….I am really struggling with this site right now. I truly don’t know what I want to do and it is messing with me. I am glad it is weekend and the pressure to perform is off for right now. I have some deep thinking to do over the weekend. All you say is true and on point Raven….I remember when I first broke out of the matrix, it took quite a while to get everything down and remember what I was to do. I’d forget alternative treatments that could have helped me with illnesses until after I had healed etc. After a while I finally began to get in a rhythm with it all and it slowly became second nature, a way of life on all levels. Today I cannot imagine ever going back. No way…..I shall think about all of this and get back to you friend…VK 🙂

      • Raven says:

        Totally get where you are, VK. We were told we had to build the New Earth, so we build. This is apparently what we were here for, to bring others along. The only difference between what I hoped for and what happened is that we still have the cabal going haywire. So… we work around them, we are a butt load of mosquitoes on their bare arses. We can’t raid the Rothschild mansion or stop the MIC, but we can do __X__. There is no reason why you can’t call on your bevy of awakened lightworkers to help you with ideas for that X.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      That was why I wrote the last couple of posts hoping I would get feed back about what direction people wanted to go in….Silence for the most part. So that left me still scratching my brain…I’ll keep scratching over the weekend. It worries me that having to search so hard is telling me it is time to stop. The website I began all flowed out and I couldn’t stop it. It just kept coming. If something is effortless it is meant to be in my book. I know people still need waking up, but I think that would bore those already awake and moving on…I’ll keep thinking….Thanks and squawk….VK

  4. Pingback: Visionkeeper – 2. Faith.. – 28 December 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  5. HI VK, a great thought to remove oneself from compliance with a system that rules in essence by fear… I think many now are agreeing in principle with your mission statement.. And yet many dare not put themselves forward.. Fearing the Fear of those self same rules…

    Life is going to take a turn shortly, I feel it in my bones, and know that communities around the world who are seeing systems failing will eventually take it upon themselves to Free themselves… But I also know even within those self same hearts crying for Freedom, there are those who still wish to rule. Its going to be hard if we do not have FAITH in ourselves.. FAITH in our Hearts, FAITH in our Minds that we can envision a New World of Freedom.. A world where all are equal.. Its not Just going to happen over night.. We both know its going to be tough and a struggle .. But the more we have faith in ourselves and understand that our MINDS DO change the world.. We need do nothing but BELIEVE those changes have already happened…

    Our Thoughts Create and through our thoughts we affect the Mass Consciousness… We can MOVE MOUNTAINS… and we WILL and we HAVE!…

    A great Post VK..
    Love and Blessings and I hope you had a Great Christmas 🙂
    Love DW xx

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hey DW….I still don’t know what mission we will be on. Still thinking about it and trying to figure out the exact core issue to go after. It is good I have the weekend to think. That can be dangerous 🙂 Yes, faith is essential to create anything as is desire. The two go hand in hand. I still think the spiritual communities need to open their minds to accepting we can be in our hearts and be love and still be able to fight for our freedom. To think otherwise I feel is a huge misunderstanding. Every day some new law is put in place further taking away our rights, new environmental atrocities take place, innocent people are killed….If we allow this to continue with no resistance there will be nothing left to fight for….Its a tough call. I am still working through it looking for the answer. I’ll get it eventually! Hope you too had a great Christmas. It always helps to have little ones around to boost the spirit. Stay sweet and be at peace within. A new year in the new world is almost upon us…Come on change!!!! We can create it…Love and hugs…VK

  6. Andy says:

    Reblogged this on love2ascend and commented:
    Follow up to “What’s Next Part 2”.

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