We Are No Longer Treading Water…


For so long it felt like we were treading water and making no movement at all. It felt almost hopeless for a while and yet I can see and feel a huge ground swell of change sweeping over the planet. There is a quickness in our steps now, we have found the new direction we need to be going in and we are finding our niches to fall into to help bring about the change. So many around us now are feeling this rush of energy and we are going with it, to wherever it takes us and drops us off. Each one of us has a gift we can offer the world and we are starting to do that, be it making changes in our own communities or going out into the world and doing something that is needed. We are sharing ideas and bringing them to fruition and this is beginning to change the world around us. We see each other doing things and it inspires us to do something as well. It is like a contagious bug that is gripping people only this bug is positive and good!

I was watching the cooking channel the other day and was shocked to see a new cooking show they have added to their schedule. It is a show about what kinds of foods can heal diseases and it follows patients from beginning to end of their treatment through food! I am surprised Big Pharma has allowed this which tells me they are loosing their power and control as well as so many other bully corporations. Change is afoot and it is occurring quickly now. The alternative lifestyle is slowly beginning to take over mainstream and it is most refreshing indeed. I think a great many people have had the disease that ‘ if it’s on mainstream media it’s believable, if it’s not, it’s not believable’, as sad as that is to admit. People have to SEE it to believe it. Well now they are beginning to see it and just maybe they are getting to a point they no longer NEED to see it!

Change is definitely underway and the more we gently push things to the fore front the sooner the switch will complete itself. It is all coming about because random people are taking the initiative to change things in their own lives and in their surroundings. People are stepping forward and offering whatever gifts they have and putting it into action. We finally realized we had sat and waited long enough and now it was time to implement change for ourselves in one way or another and we took action. It only takes one person to get the ball rolling, so imagine if hundreds or thousands were to take action as well. I believe this is what we are seeing taking place right now and it’s only going to grow.

People out and about we bump into now seem eager to learn about how to change and what they can do. All they need is a little encouragement and get pointed in the right direction and off they go and most likely will do the same for others along their journey. It is all growing in size and speed so much now, like the proverbial snowball rolling down the hill. There is no stopping this snowball I’ll tell you. It is too big, going to fast and it is rolling all over the place with no direction in mind. It’s time to grab our speedo suits and take the plunge for we are no longer treading water, but rather are flying on top of it at warp speed.

Blessings to us all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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15 Responses to We Are No Longer Treading Water…

  1. Doreen Agostino says:

    I agree there are many positive signs for which I too am grateful.

    There also appears to unfinished business. I suggest that collectively we brought ‘internet’ into physical reality to inform one another, reclaim personal power, and through heart intelligent action replace egoic madness with peace, coherence, reverence for Earth and all life.

    Australian Politician Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome

    Rosa Koire Author of ‘BEHIND THE GREEN MASK U.N. AGENDA 21’ + ICLEI


    • Visionkeeper says:

      Yes, I saw this article. Thanks for linking…Everyday it seems a bit more truth comes out and we take yet another step forward.We are well on our way….VK

  2. irene alomar says:

    yes to all this it is so …….we are def on our way seeing and experiencing more and more loving kindness each day CELEBRATION…JOY

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Thanks Irene for stopping by and commenting. That is greatly appreciated…It is definitely time to celebrate and be joyful. The new world is upon us!!! Blessings…VK

  3. Pingback: Visionkeeper – We Are No Longer Treading Water… | Freedom From Facebook

  4. Kate Swaffer says:

    Great post VK, thank you. Thank goodness the change is coming, and how fabulous to have food channels about foods that heal. It is easy to flounder, but with the support of global like minded friends it is so much easier to stay afloat. Take care my friend, Kate 🙂

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hello Kate….yes it was a shocker to see that tv show…I hope we start seeing more of that now. It’s time has come. Hope all is well down there. Keep a smile and stay high in hope…Blessings…VK

  5. We are indeed seeing the changes VK.. and many more are joining in the Revolution of Change! 🙂 And like you for a while I was floundering…. but I have my flippers back on…. 🙂 Love and Blessings
    DW xx

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Glad you have your flippers working again…I’ve got my speedo suit on so we are good to go DW. Thanks for flipping by 🙂 Be well friend..>VK

  6. Reblogged this on dreamweaver333 and commented:
    Thanks to Visionkeeper

  7. Purpleskyz says:

    Good afternoon ALL
    I actually heard a radio commercial this morning on the drive to work from a local bank. They said… ” We are not like the big banks. We are actually here to serve you. ” I almost ran my car off the road!!! LOL
    So yes to all you said VK! I am seeing changes everyday and it is wonderful. Even the folks in the stores seem more unzombie like.
    Yep… if this keeps up we will soon be seeing and hearing the lamestream start to crack. Whoo Hoo!!!Have a wonderful day!
    Much LOVE to ALL here

    • Visionkeeper says:

      That’s cool…Sounds like folks are catching on at long last!!! We’re on a roll now…I am loving this and I hope it speeds up even more. Thanks for sharing that Skyz…VK

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  9. Pingback: Visonkeeper – We Are No Longer Treading Water – 5 February 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos

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