Learning To Understand

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As I was looking at pictures to use in my posts I came across this one and suddenly was struck with a powerful wave of loneliness. I looked at it quite a long while trying to figure out why it made me feel this way. Then I began to wonder what other people see when the look at this, how do they feel. It reminded me of such an important point we should all remember. We all see our lives differently because we are different and we need to respect that. So often our egos try to force other people to see things our way because we feel our way is the correct way because that is how we perceive the world. We believe things about our world according to how we perceive it, not because that is the way it really is. We really need to understand this fact as it is one that quite often gets us into a great deal of trouble. If how we perceive something is incorrect, then who are we to be pushing our ideas on others?

It is important we are all able to remain individuals, that is our God-given right, but perhaps we all need to rethink how we think about things. Not about everything obviously, but there should be more universal thinking that we all share together as well as our own individual thought processes. Our isolation into our personal tiny worlds hastened along by the internet and social media, is keeping us locked into this  narrow way of thinking, we see the world with blinders on, our world and nobody elses. Narrow thinking keeps us stuck in our tiny worlds, expanded thinking allows us to see the world from many eyes instead of just our own. This is all part of the process of learning how to care about others. You have to know about the others and understand them first before you can care about them.

This isolation we are living in is allowing all kinds of tragedy to take place around the world, because if it is not happening in our little worlds we do nothing! Life is not about just our tiny worlds we exist in, it is about the whole of humanity everywhere. We are all one species sharing a planet. I often hear people say “How is what is happening in China or Syria hurting us?” It is hurting us because it lessens who we are, it shows our disconnectedness and our lack of caring and our unevolved( spell check says there is no such word as unevolved, so I’m creating it!) way of living. If we allow inhumane things to happen in other countries, who is to say those same misfortunes will not fall on our door step one day? Our little worlds will not always be as secure as they are forever and we must remember that. Everything changes sooner or later. When you reach out to help others make change in distant lands you are doing the same for your own country.

These times we are living in are obviously very challenging and bring to us many lessons to be learned if we are to move beyond where we sit now. These times are asking us to learn how to step outside of ourselves and the worlds we live in and join up with the rest of the world. Therein lies our power. When we climb outside of ourselves and reach out to help others we grow inside and feel good about ourselves. Now imagine the world if everyone was feeling good about themselves and reaching out to others. This is why I keep hammering home the almighty black box taking over your dens and living rooms. They keep your thoughts isolated and unfortunately focused on falsehoods. They don’t challenge your thinking and ask you to stretch it outside of your box! Television diminishes you rather than expanding you. Turn it off and start expanding your horizons to include the world at large, not just the war and tragedy the dark ones would have you see. See your life through love and compassion and blossom.

Blessings to us all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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