Be Still And Show The Way…

Music to read by below:

Wow! Information leaks are gushing free as if a dam had broken somewhere upstream. We are witnessing great bravery at this time as well. Whistle Blowers coming forth for the good of mankind knowing they will probably pay the ultimate price somewhere down the road. A furious call of ‘Traitor’ has been cast upon their heads, when in fact most of Washington itself are traitors and should be behind bars. We seem to be witnessing the imprisonment of the wrong people time and time again. It makes ones frustration levels rise to a feverish pitch at times. I keep hearing that small voice within calling however, “Be still and show the way” it says. Be the example it is saying and others will follow. Very difficult to do so at these tumultuous times, but we must. As more information pours out and more and more people become enraged with what is being done to them, it will definitely be our time to be still and hold the peace. That does not mean we cannot sign petitions or speak out or write letters to our political leaders ( if you can call them that), we should and must be doing that, but we must remain calm and not become engaged in the drama. We must be the balance to the unrest so the situation does not tip out of control.

From the sounds of it, there is more information to be released, I think we are just beginning to see a watershed event of huge proportions coming forth. I believe we are witnessing help from the light to expose the dark and there is no stopping this rolling snow ball from picking up speed. It has been rolling slowly for a long time now but finally it reached the crest of the hill and slipped over. It is plunging down hill so look out below! I suppose for many this can be a scary time watching life shape shift from what it was. For me it is a joy to finally see the truth emerge as we begin to morph the old world into the new. Yay! It seemed like it was never going to get here. Lesson number one: Have patience and trust!

We need to take this time of confusion and step up and speak with those in despair. They will be hungry for guidance as things heat up. If we are calm and not upset they will feel safe in our presence and be more willing to hear why we are not afraid. Speak out mindfully wherever you are whenever you can, be the teacher you are and the confidant they need. This is our time folks. It is here at long last. How much more information will spill forth before the masses scream out in outrage and fight back for control of their own lives? We keep hearing that the masses are asleep and completely distracted from reality, but are they really? Some are, yes, but we must have more faith in our fellow-man. If we keep believing they are asleep they will stay that way, for we will have willed that to be through our thoughts. Be careful of what you think I always say.

It is time to be encouraging not critical of humanity. All of our fellow humans may have been lulled to sleep by the corrupt media but have we not forgotten that they lead other lives as well. They go off to work everyday where they interact with co-workers. It is reasonable to think they will eventually hear the truth. They may not believe it at first, but if they hear it enough they can’t avoid the truth of it forever. We must have faith in them! For a long time we seem to have overlooked them as sleeping sheeple, and this must stop. If we wish people to awaken and join us we must encourage them, envision them awakening, see us all as one, and speak in terms of they ARE awakening. We wish to create freedom from slavery and we will as soon as we reach out to those around us with open arms and embrace them as being part of us, not different, but rather our brothers and sisters, just stuck in a different time frame than  us! We are all one and must love each one just the same.

Blessings to us all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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5 Responses to Be Still And Show The Way…

  1. Tom Merriman says:

    Things do seem to be changing or being revealed more and more of late, VK, so it would appear that all we are seeing is the tip of the iceberg… drip-fed snippets where just a little more is revealed each time. It’s actually strange to watch, and at times the snippets make no sense whatsoever, until taken in context with the next snippet. All we can do is just be aware of what’s happening, I say, and don’t get too embroiled in with it so it erodes our positivity away. I’ve avoided the news broadcasts for the last few weeks, and have never felt better, not as ‘bogged down’ with the negative side of the world.
    I must say that I’m looking forward to more positivity in the world… welcoming it in fact!
    Hope you have a good evening!

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hey TL….You are so right. Keep the tv news shows turned off and the world is a better place to live! What news I do get comes from alternative news sites on the internet. I refuse to listen to lies and propaganda. Little by little the truth is seeping out. Eventually it will be like the boy with his finger in the dyke who can no longer hold back the leak. It will explode sooner or later. I too am ready for a positive world! Hang in there and be well friend… Blessings to you….VK

  2. Pingback: Visionkeeper – Be Still And Show The Ways – 26 June 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  3. Pingback: Visionkeeper: Be Still and Show the Way… | The Aquarius Paradigm

  4. Doreen Agostino says:

    There may be a false flag event percolating. Joint Operations Access Exercise June 22-28, 2012. Giant exercise involving air force, Navy Marine Corps, Canadian and other NATO troops ‘practicing’ off the East Coast, USA for a full blown invasion of America.

    Emergence-see! Iron Mountain | Blueprint to Tyranny documentary: globalist’s strategy to replace war with peace, and fully enslave humanity, by introducing life threatening, terrifying false enemies. Problem-reaction-solution DECEPTION that requires expanded awareness, replacing judgment with cooperation, and heart-based action ‘together’ to preserve life!

    Suggest we rally around the ITCCS who set up a Common Law Court of Justice with 33 Citizen Jurors. In 2012 they found the Vatican, Queen of England, Prime Minister of Canada, other heads of church and state ‘guilty’ of genocide, and crimes against humanity. To reclaim unalienable rights requires unity and cooperation.

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