Gifting The world…

Music to read by below:

It seems important at this time to stop searching for the who we are and finally figure out what gift we have to offer the world to help to make the world a better place. We all have something special that makes us who we are but are we using those gifts, are we offering them to the world in hopes of making it a better place? Isn’t this ultimately what we are here for? Helping to make the world a better place by sharing our love? It really is that simple. When I pass on I would like most to be remembered not for who I was but rather what I gave to the world that hopefully made a difference. Making a difference in the world is such an uplifting experience and it seems the world as a whole is desperately missing uplifting experiences that bring great wonder to our lives. So many have lost their wonder for life it seems. What is life without wonder and feeling uplifted and inspired? It is empty and hollow and without deep meaning. It is surprising that the world has survived for so long without that! For a very long time we have been a world of walking Zombies, going through the usual but minus the heart felt emotions. Thank Goodness we are changing that quickly now. We are coming alive like an appendage that has fallen asleep and begins to prickle back to life.!

Most of us have spent a lifetime searching for a reason for being here and yet what we really need to be discovering at this time is what our gifts are, what gifts do we hold within that we can share with the world and bring light to the darkness in doing so? Our gifts are what we can offer from the depths of our hearts. Our gifts are what move us and create wonder in our lives. Look for your passions and usually your gifts are not far away, they feed each other and give each other energy to exist. Our lives are not about how much we have or how important we are, it is all about what difference we can make in the world. Should a rich man want to be remembered for how wealthy he was or for what he did with all of his money that made a dramatic difference?

Let us  spend some time thinking about where our passions lie. Next we look carefully at what we are good at and then we combine them into a gift we can offer the world. This seems to be what this phase of our journey is about. What can we give to the world. It is time to step away from the ‘what do WE need or want’ mindset and open up our vision to include the world. This journey is no longer about ‘me’ thinking, but rather it is about the ‘us’ of humanity. Who can we be in the bigger picture of things?  Who is the universal me that we are all capable of being that affects the whole world? We know pretty much who the smaller me is who resides within our bodies and goes about our daily endeavors, but who are if we are to extend ourselves out into the universe? It’s worth thinking about. It seems to be the next part of the puzzle we are trying to discover. What can we give to the world when we step outside of our boxes and embrace the whole of humanity?

Blessings to us all,


About Visionkeeper

I am a seeker and a visionary with a strong desire to see the world move beyond the darkness and oppression and shift forward into light and higher consciousness. It is my earthly mission to offer hope to the world and awaken the slumbering people so that we may all come together and co-create a loving and compassionate world.
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17 Responses to Gifting The world…

  1. Pingback: Visionkeeper: Gifting the World | The Aquarius Paradigm

  2. Tiamssaï says:

    Hey VK, I see you are still alive and writing. I haven’t been around in a good while. And as always (when I have time to look), your message is right on the spot, as far as I’m concerned. Yes indeed, it is time we think in terms of “us” in whatever decision we make, whether we know what to offer or not. We are building this new world together, and it is together that we shall succeed, united in every possible way. Another aspect of this is the “ups and downs” we each experience in our everyday life. I see this in my relationship with my wife. Very often, when I am down she is there to uplift and support me, and vice versa. It creates balance, to support those that are in need of attention around us. Listening and giving love, helping in simple ways whenever we can. Maybe this is also a gift to the world. I mean, if like me you haven’t figured out yet what you came down here to gift the world with… so to speak.
    So anyway, it’s good to read of you my friend.
    May the angels lay infinite gifts upon your Path !

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Hey there T….Good to see you. I am not writing as often anymore. When something strikes me I post it otherwise I am staying quiet. Yes my friend, what you two are doing is the gift! We think gifts much like purpose must be this big dramatic thing. NO! Gifts are whatever help make the world a better place and you two are offering that to each other and in the end to the universe. Glad all is well at your end. Blessings to you 🙂 VK

  3. Purpleskyz says:

    Nice perspective this morning VK! Always nice to see your messages. 🙂 Thanks
    I for sure know what I need to be doing. I think deep down inside we ALL do. 🙂

    Silent Winds… how very cool that you are receiving these knowings on guitar!!! I did the same with the piano/organ awhile back. Always wanted to play. I bought an organ for one of my kids for xmas that was not used much. Took it into my room and just started to play!!! It was so wonderful and filled that spot that I knew was missing. I think we are picking up on past life knowledge and now those memories are back! Keep on playing!!!

    Have a wonderful day filled with the LIGHT of Knowing!
    Much LOVE to ALL here

    • silentwindofchange says:

      Thanks PurpleSkyz, it sounds crazy until you experience it yourself. This is why I’m suggesting everyone to try the things they always dreamed of, they’ll likely be pleased with the results. 🙂

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Thanks Skyz…How Cool!!! Next you’ll be in a rock band Skyz!!! Ya got the music thing going on 🙂 Have a big happy today and be well…Forward we go to the light…VK

  4. Pingback: Visionkeeper – Gifting The World – 6 November 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  5. marinaalbin says:

    I believe that your friend is on a Sirian starsheep and I believe that you might meet again 🙂

    Sheldan Nidle – Update For the Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 6 November 2013

  6. marinaalbin says:

    It might sound funny but as I’m clearing my aura from all the negativity (I just ask Angels to cleanse me) and all the attachments, things and my perspective does change. I’m just realizing that all those energetic attachments do get on a way of us being us and on a way of simply being. I believe this is something all the religions tried to convey to people to get to this state of mind, ego free just be, and then everything just unfolds from there.
    It does make perfect sense, because if everything is energy, people have all kinds of energetic attachments that they are holding in their field and reacting to.

  7. Pingback: Gifting The world… November 6, 2013 | sweetwillowman

  8. silentwindofchange says:

    It may even be something that up until now was not known to even you. 🙂

    • Visionkeeper says:

      Not following you SW ???

      • silentwindofchange says:

        There are many revelations about yourself that will rise to the surface as you brush away a lifetime of rules and programming. You will find parts of you that you never knew existed. I can only use myself as an example. I always appreciated watching and listening to people play guitars. I never really felt like it was something I could do. I tried once and, well lets not talk about that one 🙂

        Recently I had the push to try again. But this time there would be no try, just do. So I am learning and there is no consideration of ever quitting, it’s just a part of who I am now. The amazing part is when I’m practicing, without really thinking of what I’m doing some new technique will pop up that no one taught me, that I never saw before. If I did see it my conscious self didn’t realize it.

        As all our fragments from previous lives start to rejoin us we will find skills we didn’t have before or at least not in this life.

        So I’m just suggesting to follow your urge and don’t be surprised if you are led to something completely new. Embrace it and know there will be no failing in developing that new skill, hobby or task.

    • Visionkeeper says:

      I get what you were saying now…Yes I totally agree. If we don’t try new things how will we ever know? To stay locked into that old paradigm that told you you couldn’t play guitar would have allowed that concept to continue. Good for you!!! Glad to hear the guitar is a part of your life now. I wish I had a piano so I could try to play it. Always wanted to. I guess I will have to manifest one:) Thanks SW….Strum your heart out! VK

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