Just A Reminder….


I just wanted to remind my followers of my blog change and let you know I will be closing down One World Rising soon so if you still want to find me, bookmark the new blog or else sign up to follow me there. I have lost a great many followers in this move I’ve made. Not sure if it is because they just no longer wish to read my posts or if they are unaware of my change. Hence this last note to tell everyone again to sign up at the new blog and stay with me or I shall miss you terribly. We all need to consider staying close by one another as the chaos increases before the final fall of the Dark ones. It is our strength together as one that will win this battle. They are trying to own our souls and we must not let them! Be the light that you are and please, shine your way over to the new blog. Thanks!  World Metamorphosis Blog

Blessings to one and all…


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Just A Reminder….


I just wanted to remind my followers of my blog change and let you know I will be closing down One World Rising soon so if you still want to find me, bookmark the new blog or else sign up to follow me there. I have lost a great many followers in this move I’ve made. Not sure if it is because they just no longer wish to read my posts or if they are unaware of my change. Hence this last note to tell everyone again to sign up at the new blog and stay with me or I shall miss you terribly. We all need to consider staying close by one another as the chaos increases before the final fall of the Dark ones. It is our strength together as one that will win this battle. They are trying to own our souls and we must not let them! Be the light that you are and please, shine your way over to the new blog. Thanks!  World Metamorphosis Blog

Blessings to one and all…


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I recently see someone signed up to follow One World Rising but as I mentioned in my last post there quite a while ago, I no longer write there. To follow me please instead go to my new blog    https://oneworldmetamorphosis.wordpress.com  Thank you. See you there!

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Important Notice…


Greetings to all,                                                                                                                                                   I just wanted to let everybody know that I feel it is a time for change, so I will be moving my writing over to my new blog site. If you wish to continue following me and I certainly hope you will, just go over to the new blog and sign up to follow me over there. I hope so much I do not lose a lot of my followers because of this move, as I so enjoy interacting with everybody. I just posted a new post over at the new blog, so head on over and thanks so much for making One World Rising what it is. Lets make the new blog even better!

Blessings to us all,


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New Moon Cometh…




That time again to get our priorities in order and make our moves forward towards what we desire. Here is the article on this upcoming new moon. Enjoy!

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Be Light…

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The Power Of The Word….

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I have been listening to seminars and attending summits on various health issues and life issues lately, plus working on myself to become the best I can be and leave what no longer serves me behind. Changing oneself is not so much difficult as it requires commitment to make things happen. In one session with I believe it was Marc Waldman, there was a sentence spoken that stuck out like a shining light and caught my eye. ” A thought, if constantly activated, creates a memory circuit both positive or negative.” 90% of worries are nothing more than past memories that effect our reality now! Thoughts surely are powerful. He also spoke about the fact that negative thoughts actually destroy neurons in our brain! I think for a very long time now we have been either unaware or unconcerned with our thoughts. We are just now really beginning to understand just how careful about our thinking and speaking we must be. If you, like so many people, are working on yourself and preparing for the new world, take time to stay on top of your thinking. If constantly activating a thought creates a memory circuit, lets create good thoughts we can always go back and plug into, not old tapes that do nothing but hurt us. Happy healing to all.

Blessings to us all,


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Acquaint Yourself With TSU….


I joined TSU a while ago and quite like it. If you are going to be a part of social media why not get paid for it? This is exactly what TSU does. Here is a clear explanation about it. Enjoy!

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It seems our Government these days cares very little for our Veterans, not tending to them, turning their backs on them. Well, the people sure aren’t! If you see a chance to help a Veteran today or any day in any small way, please make the time and show them you care. It could be as simple as picking up their tab in a restaurant, paying for their gas when they are filling up their car, helping with a grocery bill at the check out counter etc. If you can find a way to help, just know they will deeply appreciate it! Just knowing they are appreciated and cared about by the people they are protecting would mean the world to them! Thanks.

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Where Am I?

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The title of this short post is something we would be wise in asking ourselves. Where am I? Many people sadly are held captive in the constant state of hoping the world will get better if they just do this or that, but what is happening when we do this, spend all of our energy on making change? We are being distracted from living in our here and now. We are not fully enjoying our lives or ourselves if we are always lost in trying to make things better. If you are always trying to make things better, that is saying that your life or your ‘now’ is lacking and in need of repair. If we are always trying to fix the world, ourselves or our lives, we are not enjoying our ‘Now’ life and we are missing the whole point of living life to its fullest. Nothing will ever be perfect and if we can’t accept that fact and just enjoy what we do have, we are missing out on so much. Yes the world appears to be imploding all around us and drowning in chaos. That is why it is even more paramount that we make sure we enjoy what we do have despite the insanity. We need to terminate our obsessions with what is wrong in the world and center our attentions on what is right and make life matter. So grab hold of your ‘Now’ and live your life in appreciation and gratitude for what you DO have.

By the way, I am not saying stop completely trying to help where help is needed in the world. I am just saying don’t get buried in what is wrong and forget to live what is right.

Blessings to us all,


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